Radical Dharma

Break my heart open, not apart,

for less is more, except when I’m waiting for an applause,

a muse that dazzles like spring sunlight passing,

buttercups fill the fields that store memories,

turning pain into beauty like Coleridge being romantic,

dreams referring recollection of ancestors;

fire, all consuming, smoulders to collapse inwards,

feel the healing of water over geraniums,

the horse chestnut stands firm whilst leaves crimple,

sound baths dance to blue skies,

as vulnerability meets courage for a change.

Changing the World

The more beautiful world our hearts know is possible,

Manifests energy to heal the wounds of oppression,

Planting rose bushes and smelling the flowers,

Can be a retreat from the world intent on destruction;

Progressive apple pies swallow up egos whole,

Signposting virtue when signalling a good person,

When pretence is conceptualised to stand our ground,

Change is dangerous if it’s too radical,

White faces line the benches of ‘progress’,

Getting accredited to train ourselves in wisdom,

Learning from textbooks that reproduce knowledge,

Capturing intelligence as if it only lives in our heads;

Shamanic priests expel evil spirits from the body,

The doctors who heal also pass on trauma,

Without a whole understanding of contextual frames,

We replicate power-over games to imagine system change,

Forgetting to embody liberation in our interpersonal connections;

Generate morphic fields of resonance externally,

Sending vibrations out by not joining the forces to be,

Complicity is key in keeping us guarded from collectivism,

Losing hope every day as the plastic piles up,

Building relationships compassionately is our way out.