Proust: Time Regained

Filial ferreting compounded in an anguishing feral existence shrouds the ability to recall moments that are trapped in a hazy indolent cloud due to a dearth in perspective. A relapse in time shatters the dimensions of thought as consecutive images from the past project into the future as the present imbibes the concoction. An interior monologue roughly sketched into a lucid dream montage creates an oxbow lake that has been dismembered adjacently from the aquamarine stream; consciousness relates to itself subjectively using associations present within time and space. Paraffin melts stealthily from a luminous candle that ignites ideas in the darkness of the cavernous cavity as pangs of receding pain fill the hole. Sustained periods of mourning and sadness exercise themselves frequently to reinforce the mutability of actions that have been exerted into our cranium indelibly. Pensive reflection instigates floods of repressed memories that have damaged the psyche irreparably: peeling the onion layer of anxieties that we have clothed ourselves in to function as part of society reveals depths of sinuous imagination and endless possibilities that reconstruct the gaunt mind.

Asymmetric snowflakes disperse in an unorganised flitter of precipitation as the clouds extol the unbalanced charges mixed congruously with the cold wind that precipitates in languor. The tongue releases its malignant stain of profanity in a breeze of contamination to discharge anger as if ejaculating fervently in a contagiously impotent environment. To be captive in a restless state of contemptuous derision and chafing malice seals the corrugated sadomasochist attachment of being in perennial disquiet with a lover. Deriving pleasure from pain is embedded within the familial relationship to the head of the opposing sex; an oppressive, dogmatic father chastises the daughter’s relentless pursuit for vaginal freedom and clitoral orgasm as he achieves an erection to cover his own insecurities. Baudelaire winces in a melancholy tone about the inebriates of lust in a conflagration of intemperance:

“My youth was a dark storm,

Crossed here and there by brilliant suns;

Thunder and rain have caused such quick ravage

That there remain in my garden very few red fruits.


Now I have touched the autumn of my mind,

And I must use the spade and rakes

To assemble again the drenched lands,

Where the water digs holes as large as graves.


And who knows whether the new flowers I dream of

Will find in this soil washed like a shore

The mystic food which would create their strength?


-O grief! O grief! Time eats away life,

And the dark Enemy who gnaws the heart

Grows and thrives on the blood we lose.”

Purple berries wilt away impertinently in an enshrined canvas of jagged thorns. The musicality of structure and form twines its long roots into the nourished soil, therewith producing symphonies of melodic enchantment, which enriches the malleable soul to extract the pure vestiges of rudimentary beauty from its constituent parts, akin to the extraction of iron from iron ore in a blast furnace. A flying squirrel glides ephemerally in an ethereal landscape, moving between figs and cypresses effortlessly as the scarlet cherry tree hosts the claws attached to its tender branch. The aesthetic ideal is an imperfection that can never be realised. All art is vanity. Demonstrating the deep richness of human emotion with a delicate brushstroke embalms the portrait of the artist into revealing his or her identity.

Schiller: “The transition from the passive condition of perceiving to the active one of thinking and willing is only effected, then, through an intermediate condition of aesthetic freedom, and although this condition in itself decides nothing in respect to our judgement or our opinions, and consequently leaves our intellectual and moral values completely problematical, it is yet the necessary condition by which alone we can attain to a judgement and to an opinion. In a word, there is no other way to make the sensuous man rational than by first making him aesthetic.”

Arsenic culls the pulverising vapour that binds to the intermolecular structure of a diamond crusted, opaque molecule as the carbon double bond bends with the corrigibility of pressure and temperature. The ninety two elements of the earth suffuse to explain away the mechanical processes of the palpable world using numerical theories that excuse the fault of human reasoning and bias; tungsten blades can erase the hair from your face but you won’t calculate the feeling behind it. Silicon pelleted glass fractures when refracted transparent light shifts its spectrum according to frequency and amplitude. The perceived view is of a higher aptitude when an object is closer to the person than further away; swooning draughts of love are more intoxicating when we face the fear of the emotion in question and isolate ourselves onto an island of mercury vested meditation. The concept of memory is diluted in radiance with the emotion felt at that point in time, the appending objects in the scene of the recollected image and the various facets of subtle insidious changes in body language, sentence construction and facial recognition. One image can affix itself to another using a chain of mediated associations that links back to memory learnt over a lifetime.

Faust and Hamlet’s violet rhododendron of fruitful passages concerning the attack of scientific progress and man’s obsession with knowledge sets the play for the music of temperaments to hum aloud in vicarious healing. A disinterested opiate that enshrouds the caricature of personages over time using imbibed reflection and jaunty imagination is what is dispelled in a catharsis of epic tragedy culminating in the tearful and heroic suicide of the chief procrastinator. Mountains move in unison with the orange twilight sky as the poetry injects its temperamental poison into the veins of the plaintive thinker. As Dylan Thomas recites painfully, attesting to Joyce’s serum:

“Not for the proud man apart

From the raging moon I write

On these spindrift pages

Nor for the towering dead

With their nightingales and psalms

But for the lovers, their arms

Round the griefs of the ages,

Who pay no praise or wages

Nor heed my craft or art.”

THE END (of laughter and soft lies)

Proust: The Fugitive

The oblivion of fond memories is concordant with the pronouncement of immense grief in the realm of the diaphanous air promulgating the need to cover the loss of a close associate with a protracted distortion of time as to keep floating in a subaqueous wasteland that is crumbling. Mordant eyes seek to reflect back the angle of incidence at an equidistant level towards the normal: the vision is impaired along the way as the surface changes in a multilevel paradigm leading to a refracted outlook veiled onto a miasma of constant frittering.

Sound is for finding a mate and protecting territorial rights. A watchful night owl comes into collision with sonar emitting grey bats as they swim pleasantly in the hanging black atmosphere conveying a position of predatory advantage in a paroxysmal flight to breed and protect their habitat. A wandering falcon sits perched up with its outstretched wings catching the glaze of the rays of the orange sun embalming the sheath of feathers as to divest heat in a bitterly frosty environment. To direct chafing malice against an antagonist, which has fixedly bound itself to you, circumrotates into a spiralling war concentrated within the vestibules and neurons of the mind: sweeping fervently to pontificate about a trait that irritates intentionally indicates the possibility of a marooned past associated with shame. The abdication of holding a relationship lingers painfully; warping tightly to a sinking ship only prolongs the inevitable suffering that the despairing individual feels, although the necessity in struggling to keeping hold of the asphyxiating chain of love develops into a habit as a result of the pusillanimous fear of being alone.

The patriarchal family system has been didactically instructed with the master-slave paradigm that Hegel promulgated upon embryonically. The castigation of the proletariat by the bourgeois, as described in the dialectic materialism of Marx and Engels, has created a cultural hegemony whereby inequality is ubiquitous and ripe. Kropotkin’s Mutual Aid expounds on the problematic emblem of serfdoms within village communities; they are subject to the rule of their landowners who control the use and retain the monetary gain by profit. The wealth amasses for the owners constructing the disparity between the rich and poor inveterately. Nietzsche’s wry assessment of the need for a term which is opposite in meaning to coexist, such as the contradictory paradigm of good and evil, affirms the notion that the accumulation of history has to be contextualised along with the societal and cultural norms at the time of pronouncement: there are only slaves as a result of masters existing. Religious doctrine and political rhetoric have exploited the need for connotations to be assimilated accordingly with certain words or phrases to provoke hysteria and confused belligerence against anyone who dares to attack the social order.

The sycophantic ideal of unadulterated love ranges superciliously in a jealous mind intent on trapping its prey. Marcel dared to requite affections with Albertine in their musings coloured in languor; there was an inversion of taste disfiguring the artistic ideal of capturing the unabated heart of a ruddy woman in lugubrious distension. Haemoglobin diffuses in red blood cells filled with oxygen, traversing the systematic principles of osmosis as carbon dioxide is exchanged in emaciated alveoli leading to the ability of the lungs to expel air at a monotone rate.

The fields of electric, magnetic and hydrodynamic are resultant from the theorisation of effects through the medium of mathematics; they are imperceptible constructs made with imperfect knowledge upon the designed causality. Wind bustles through the open metallic shutters attracting opposite forces in disequilibrium to rush briskly into contact with hypersensitive skin, providing a reception of erected hair to counterbalance the incontrovertible banality of evil. Divesting in trusting mathematical equations over sense impressions leads to incalculable erroneous judgements skewed by the lack of perception; Goethe’s theory of colours sprouts light into the darkness of Newton’s unchallenged notion of prismatic white light as the visible spectrum changes accordingly with the chromatic wheel of our prefigured retinas.

The motion of our limbs coalesces with the theory of kinaesthesia through the sensory receptors contracted within the body; the special relativity of Einstein conditions on the homogenous nature of space-time whilst remaining independent of the variable of time. To gauge the impressions picked up by the senses, there will have to be a fecundity of prescience with the things that distort the perception, akin to the conception of synaesthesia as there is more than once cause leading to an abridged effect. Experientially finding the parameters wherewith Homo sapiens have inveterately learned through centuries of asymmetric information requires exposure to new ideas and philosophical thoughts: you can blink without thinking, but you can’t lucidly breathe. The olfactory organs take in intangible whiffs of decaying corporeal substances that automatically triggers the release of hormones related back to memory held in the hippocampus.

Proust: The Captive

Jostling for position in a hermetically sealed tent that is waiting to implode, as the mind turns frivolously from suspicion to attachment in an aerated volcano of incorrigible love. To be restlessly seeking the company of a partner to prevent them from seeing others maintains the deception that you are acting in an exact manner to gain affection. Albertine was hideously clandestine in her approach to concealing the several lesbian lovers that she had courted in her premeditated conquest to appease her sexual inclinations. The attraction is palpably nearer to the malady of the heart as the distance withdraws into a contingent necessity that pronounces another desire which is furtively linked with the one initially thought; Marcel became enamoured with the possibility of possessing a woman who was appeased by the carnal attachment to other women whilst keeping the semblance of a heterosexual affair. The Dionysian artistic flair was an overwrought stimulus that feigned to keep an umbilical cord between two distressed lovers dancing in front of the plume amidst a bellicose ring of prefigured exchanges. The mendacious attempts to conceal visits to potential suitors of arousing a vaginal affection unmatched by phallic copulation lead to Machiavellian game playing as a result of mistrust and, consequently, dolorous interviews to ascertain the innate libidinal disposition that Albertine held. The distinct parallels with Swann’s relationship are demonstrated vicariously through the range of impotent thoughts and nervous agitation that scolds the beat of the tune of love. A liaison with girls shaped the forthcoming passions for boys, implying a hermaphroditic position as the sexual proclivity was inverted; this can be linked back to the previous salacious inclinations of the person in question in addition to their parents and siblings swaying of affection.

The languorous air breathes heavily onto the precipice at the edge of a glimmering fountain, flowing radiantly as the sunbeams sparkle to crystallise fleetingly among the festers of aquiline birds hanging in the still, luminous azure.

Art has offered the inveterate form of redemption and escape for humans, dating back to the fall of Troy in the case of Western history. To translate art back into reality is distinct from the verisimilitude of scientific hypotheses as there isn’t a need to compute concrete and discrete theories that have been constructed from contrived experimentation. The artistic impulses of the creative mind surge with virility in an unknown transposition circulated translucently as the pestilence from self-loathing seeps in through the porous layer covered with antidotes of imagined genius. The oneiric aptitude that art inebriates us with cannot be contrasted with the stark formulaic methods of deduction that science dictates to us; it is only by clothing scientific concepts with florid language and a visual imagination that it becomes easier for the layman, or any person for that matter, to abstract understanding, such as the recurring image of a random loose apple falling from an evergreen tree to signify the tendency for objects to drop according to gravity. Children are inundated with a plethora of fairy tales, magical expositions, supernatural forces and false hope to become immersed into a wonderland of their very own. The ability to reason doesn’t take effect until the age of puberty.

The waning milky moon hovers illuminatingly overs the dark spotted ether and creates tempests of waves breaking though unremittingly as the seasons change like the teal tinted tides. The incessant stranglehold of devotion to a partner mixes incongruously with the desire to be mentally free from paranoia and obsession; whilst in the company of the lover the beauty is distilled in the finite bodies as the infinite potential of the mind penetrates in creating an incipient fusion of hearts. The fall from an unmanned discovery of duplicitous affection stings viciously in a meandering stream of modulated ache as a result of the reticence that regulates the behavioural moods in an inconstant situation of moving between different social groups and cultures: social anxiety envelops the decision making capabilities of each person who cannot show their feelings and emotions to others.

Proust: Cities of the Plain

Shrapnel oscillating wildly in a juggernaut world consumes the murky amber ether. Catechisms of excitement in the distant reach of infinity. Conflict is on the horizon.

The invert’s frenzied paranoia of being discovered leaves little room for escape in a hermetically sealed fire cauldron. The opposing forces of gender and sexuality impose themselves tightly against the genitals; that is to say, the chances of ribald fellatio occurring are dependent upon the mother and father figures of a patriarchal family.

The consecrations of habits that are formed over a distempered life are exhaustively used without the perception of the act. Communicational intercourse incorporates the narrow and shallow lexicon of the societal class, along with tireless equivocation and cloaked feelings. A rabid homosexual engagement between people in high society, as with M. de Charlus and Morel, is tacitly tolerated with a contemptible attempt at clandestine secrecy; the clear condescension lies with the views that they hold in public differing diametrically with the ones they act out, or think, in private. The oppression of holding diffident views on sexuality has been as a result of a cultural hegemony which has been delineated through centuries of deceit, corruption and bribes; the utter hypocrisy of the political and religious elite can be seen through a convex mirror which magnifies the barbaric bloodshed, domination and rape of social groups deemed to be conflicting, or subservient to, their imprudent rules. Power insidiously destroys the kernel of the heart to leave a black expanse that toils to keep its supposedly meritorious body alive. “Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains”: Rousseau, the disconcerted free thinker who espoused the need for peace in Europe, and subsequently, a vehicle for mass murder in several revolutions, prominently, the French.

The tangent to the circle, which creates a perpendicular angle, relies obdurately on the point of contact at the circumference. A Platonic elliptical sphere permeates the three heavenly laws of Kepler in proportionality with the infinite quantities of matter and space. The inverse-square law rests wearily on our compressed bodies, although the mind roams around scantily in an unobstructed inferno of flux. The logic of deduction is amply applied to an amphitheatre of coniferous growth overlooking a placid, meandering river to abstract the trivial and pedantic knowledge about the ecology to fit consumer wants. Deforesting at the peril of habitats and livelihoods is deemed necessary in an overpopulated, starving and helpless planet. Artificial engineering of the topographical landscape is discretely modified to accommodate the facile view of the public: the more pernicious it is, the greater the falsehood of retaining the romanticised idea that the land is still beautiful. Thousands of estates, buildings and infrastructure cram into an urban conurbation with the implication of gentrification stripping the poor to a dingy cellar of unmitigated misery; the uncertainty principle is localised and random, probably. Weave a mathematical string into a theoretical narrative to make a fallacious universal hypothesis about the existence of our lives. The nuclear bomb warrants arrests among the laboratory rats that rest their laurels on manipulated proof and false complicity, as they remain ambiguously amoral to massacring and permanently deforming babies in a macabre fashion.

The passions of Spinoza reconstructed the roots of my philosophical view upon how emotions are twined with ideas and thoughts: “we know that we think.” He attributed the differing dimensions of emotional derailment to determined affects that are intrinsically combined to memory, imagination and external bodies. The cartilage between the tibia and femur feverishly disintegrates to leave an exasperating pain that is never to be mollified and remains irremediable; hate and love push against each other like William Blake’s synchondrosis of innocence and experience. The disease is a concoction of pre-existing ideas that have annexed with previous apprehensions to develop into placebos and cognitive dissonances, as a result of the immutable feeling of anxiety. The acute pain in the central nervous system curtails through the web of neurotransmitters to deliver a synaptic response, releasing an action that has been learned through habits formed over time, or by a perceived awareness of the world outside of our minds. Conforming our bodies to generalised systems of behavioural psychology and batch produced prescription drugs erodes the fibres of having an individual identity to unveil a slight, cadaverous mass of fatuous banality. The gaudy, proliferating denouncements made by temperamental characters within Dostoyevsky’s novels is silhouetted against a humane and profound care for the wellbeing of other people’s disposition; the indigence of the emaciated population disseminates the indignant countenances whom are toiling to stay alive. The acquaintances formed with family members, sexual partners and friends are chimerically exploited to form a romantic assertion of irrevocable memory that is filled with inseparable pangs of guilt and ebullient reminiscences akin to the tragedy of Achilleus. A beguiling stare penetrates to irradiate the limp disguises, which cover the mask of mordant fear.

Proust: Within a Budding Grove

Iniquitous breeding of the chivalrous class: doomed to stay clasped in the marrow of confines. The frolicking attitude pronounced by those whom possess material wealth capitulates into a frenzy of condescension, which harbours old scars and prejudices. The mind is arrested to a serrated tilt that leaps forth when complemented upon holding views in keeping with the prevailing mass of the aristocracy, however it bludgeons when the trite notion of opposing views is firmly set into contact with a hollow edge. Ignoble it may seem to scorn at others, keeping an air of ostensible duplicity and equivocation, which therewith cannot be expounded without the meek and shallow change in countenance, which can only be revealed to oneself; doesn’t that comply with the prevailing rules of a societal class, such as the Guermantes family? Hide, hide deep into your fears to see that unprocurable glow of radiance clouded in vapid dust.

The conception of viewing a person from a distinct social class within your sphere of etiquette and moral attitudes tends to alter the perception of the lens; the preconceived ideas are superimposing themselves onto something alien distorting the frame of the picture. By zooming into the cultural platform espoused by a set of people, it would be removing the philosophical framework under which they are instigating their dialogue and action. The problem of the particular and universal coincides again. To understand the motives of another person there needs to be a requirement of putting yourself into someone else’s mind; a plethora of friendships, family ties, licentious excursions, cultural biases, societal expectations, education and artistic influences augment to debase our understanding. The still effervescent shot of a burst of thick amethyst smoke travails forth into fleeting, flickering motion.

Dizzy spells of hallucinations tread stealthily in roundabout sways that remain indeterminate to the ever aware and observant eye. I sit haughtily from a mountain out of range and examine the perturbed conditions of those around me in toxins of hate. King Lear bequeathing his palatial estate in regrettable dismay at his failure as a senile father who can’t escape his delirious dementia; Kurosawa depicts Shakespeare’s film set in slow motion with brooding conflict like the leery, numbed Macbeth awaiting his remorseful death. Those sitting on high find it difficult to escape the inevitable stains that doubt and shame maim, creating a vain disposition that looks to destroy others: a theory loosely based around a game. You either play the role or escape in vain.

The apparatus that we imbibe knowledge and conceit from is related to the sense impressions of sight, taste, touch, smell and sound. The notion of human knowledge comprising purely of contact through our senses was delineated by Locke and taken up by the empiricists, most notably, David Hume. The quintuple set of impressions is attached to the thoughts of a human being as well as the mercurial emotion sensibility. Hence, a tripartite system is devised and executed whenever we take in information from the external surroundings to ourselves. On the other hand, there is an argument to be made for all emotions and senses to be constructed ideas from childbirth onwards. Berkeley, the undying sceptic of the senses, felt that the only possible definite existence that we can know is that we can think in our minds. Everything that we imprint in our minds using memory, association and dreams can be linked back to the senses; the role reversal of this can also be seemingly true if our disposition tends to be one of remote isolation and evasiveness. We are a random assortment of connections pertaining to our emotions, thoughts and ideas. The infinite variety of differences found in the emotional receptivity of a given event indicate to us that the feelings we have treasured are a mere amalgam of preconceived ideas. I have been taught over time that the faculties of the mind can be disconnected and rearranged in concordance with new ideas that have been thought of as a result of being exposed to raw data using the senses, or by using the creative impulses of the human imagination to annex details from the unconscious and memory, as Freud duplicity explained. Every innovation is not an implausible theory that has come to be; evidently it is a set of different propositions, hypotheses and thoughts from memory and history, which contribute towards an ostensible revelation. Scientific achievement can be attributed to this, including Newton’s discovery of calculus and Copernicus’ heretic notion of the Sun being at the centre of the solar system, destroying the regimented Aristotelian view.

Proust: Within a Budding Grove

Sententious posturing about death.

The spatial-temporal relationship enunciates the material realisation of living beings, henceforth foregoing the predominant salience of the imagination and sensibility. The insipid excesses of the aristocracy takes heed in its notion of nobility and vain honour; the disparagement to its perceived lower orders is deemed to be insurmountable, as viewed from the external. Love retorts to confide in wavering caprice, a mushrooming bloom that expounds into meretricious mazes of tired confinement and inexhaustible joy, carrying waves of shivering delight in a spark of combustible angst as two selves are ostensibly merged into one. Putrid glazes of intermittent reality seep into the dream world as if a chemical compound is split into its component parts using heat; a slow, fizzling exothermic reaction subdues to dissipate into a thermodynamic separation, filtering the waste particles to change the dynamic temperament of the amygdala.

The tale of two sick parasites that leach on one another to secure unmitigated raptures of sanguine freedom has been recounted trivially and tirelessly upon the impeaching minds of the supposed free man and woman, as with the turmoil laden relationship between Gilberte and Marcel. The sickness kicks in acutely as our eyes meet over a distance, painted in monochrome denominations of pale contrast, arresting our weary hearts as the iridescent colours seem to dissipate into spiralling knots of craven auspiciousness, tumults of high wind proclaim no resistance into this impenetrable barrier which reaps its sorry rewards in the aftermath of the spurious confabulation.

The self is a relation of itself to itself and in relating itself to itself it relates to another, so postulated Kierkegaard. It may presume an air of spendthrift pomposity presented in an arcane and convoluted manner as well as being partial to the problem of infinite regression, however, such metaphysical musings take on definite meanings when being applied to the subjective world of our minds. There is always another self that can be related to, which oversees the relation of one self to another: it can be exemplified within the nodes of dialectic between one person and one other. The tertiary external element can be the form of the objective as it takes on a synthesis of views, or perhaps it pertains to the continuing struggle of separating matter from mind, or vice versa.

The odiousness of the conflict, which arises from the faculties of reason and experience, can be herewith expounded within a Kantian system of thought. The phenomenon of sense perceptions, which Locke introduced so quaintly, has the prerogative over the inductive laws of logic whenever we try to acquaint a memory, dream, or sensation to ourselves. To separate the powers of induction from feeling and emotion requires a deadening of emotional receptivity and sensation. This can be acquired through a multifarious system of thought, such as the quadrangular system that Kant produced in his Critique of Pure Reason. The other distinct ideological conflict can be seen through the application of the particular and universal. To be in constant fleeting harmony espouses the need to have a universal set of concepts, which can be superimposed onto an objective reality, resulting in a phenomenological stance such as Hegel’s. The Upanishads teaches us the theories of universality when the self is bound to all and one; the perpetual flow of within and without. The web coils forth onto Schopenhauer who demonstrates the possibility of combining all these systems of thought into a mellifluous and entrancing principle of integrated ideas conforming into one singular act of will.

The world can be, and has been, represented to us as will and representation, although the problem of the vacuity of human existence lingers on; sorrow, despair, and grief: the idiomatic conquest, which Hamlet scandalised upon, and Nietzsche revelled in, still furrows viscerally within our hearts.

Proust: Swann’s Way

A pretentious exploration of the human condition.

Whilst ruminating away in a desolate, decrepit adjoined building, housing those with flailing temperaments, I’m seeking to recover an identity amassed by years of explicated traces of unrequited relationships, relations and foes. The usurped blooming buds of lilies and ripening tulips seek to inculcate the inviolable mysteries of time as perceived by those whose objective truth lies independently of themselves, as the garrulous German idealists once proclaimed rising to a head with the condemnation of man at heart, which Mephistopheles so poignantly provides; foreboding tides of clear wintery spells of drab rain inoculates the plant genus from sprout to flower in ordinance with the potentiality of memory restored from time gained in vortexes of flight taking myriad forms transmuting into an uncontrollable reified existence. Jealously breeds contempt; love turns sour; hate traps us inside; we sit waiting immemorially.

Paradox of subject and object: “to be is to be perceived.” The Shakespearian paradigm of free will versus fate weaves its binding spell into a play of mercurial emotions. The bipartite mode of perceiving between the waking and dreaming state is what moulds a relationship. Reminiscences of love consummated Swann’s jealousy over Odette; envy, pride and curiosity pervaded his seemingly open mind to turn his romance into insufferable suspicion. Consequently, the lust proceeded to choke his mind with no room to leave in a withering space. “To hate, to love, to think, to feel, to see; all this is nothing but to perceive.”

The indelible imprints of our guises can be clearly sewn through the implacable nature of our self. The veritable identity, which we seek to find, is imperceptible and impalpable. The danger of solipsism confronts us all: does everything that we perceive intelligibly and impressionably exist in our own minds, distinct from an external reality that is not present? Berkeley presumed so. Meteor showers hover over the distant skies glowing incandescently in relation to the frequencies emitted from wave particles and infinitesimal atomic structure, attributed to Democritus- “strength and shapeliness are the good things of youth: temperance is the flower of age”. Logical predicates contort to present an orderly and grounded worldview, free from general abstraction and emotional rapacity; how independent from the observable universe are such postulates when we as humans have created them from nothing?

We are meagre primates climbing dying trees searching for a remedy to fulfil the invariable appetites presented to us.